MBRMembrane Bioreactor

Membrane Bioreactor

The combination of a biological reactor with membrane modules provides for a MBR — "Membrane Bioreactor", which combines the best characteristics of aerobic and anaerobic systems. Using this treatment process, the MLSS can be multiplied by factors of 3 to 6 (or sometimes more), resulting in a highly efficient yet relatively small reactor, which is capable of processing high levels of COD while delivering a high quality treated wastewater through efficient reduction in sludge volume and other solids.

Our MBR systems can either use external or submerged membranes, depending upon the required application, the level of automation needed and other operational characteristics, including Capex and Opex costs.


BIOTECS-AnUp↑-C+MBR is a complete mixed anaerobic reactor (C-Series), which includes an external phase separator comprising membrane modules (MF or UF). This reactor is typically recommended where the composition or characteristics of the wastewater prevent or inhibit a reasonable granulation of the anaerobic sludge.

The anaerobic reactor BIOTECS-AnUp↑-C+MBR offers several advantages over other types including a higher treatable organic load, lower input volume, smaller footprint, higher efficiencies, improved quality of the treated wastewater and higher levels of biogas recovery, mainly when thermophilic bacteria are being used.



BIOTECS-Aer-MBR is a conventional activated sludge process where the external phase separator is re placed by membrane modules (MF or UF).

BIOTECS-Aer-MBR offers several advantages over conventional systems including a higher volumetric organic load ([kgDBOs/(mº.reator.dia)]), lower effective volume, smaller footprint, greater efficiency, better quality of the treated wastewater and less sludge volume.

Biological Process
Activated Sludge and Ultrafiltration (AS+UF)

An interesting alternative, which can effectively replace MBR systems in some applications, is the combination of a carefully selected activated sludge system together with a Tertiary System, based on modules of hollow fibre UF membranes, which are more traditionally used for water treatment.

In this particular application, the UF operates as a Tertiary of the biological process and the overall treatment system is not only more flexible and viable, but also offers lower maintenance costs (Opex) and permeate quality, which is similar to a pure MBR system. We have introduced these technologies with great success, especially in beverage manufacturing plants.


Over recent years the use of membranes in the treatment of water and wastewater has increased. MF (microfiltration), UF (ultrafiltration), NF (nanofiltration) and RO (reverse osmosis) membranes are now widely used for concentration of products, as well as for separation of proteins and other materials.

The development of materials, which are more resistant and less susceptible to certain kinds of (mainly inorganic) substances, together with other technical advances such as structural modification, fluid transport formats (“transmembrane”), reductions in operational pressures, lower production costs and reduced energy consumption have all made the application of membranes more viable and more accessible.

BIOTECS can recommend advanced solutions on case by case basis.

Microfiltration (MF)

  • Separation and purification of proteins and other ingredients with particular application in cheese processing;
  • Elimination of colours and adjustment of acidity levels in juice and citrus industries;
  • Reuse of water and wastewaters.

Nanofiltration (NF)

  • Cleaning and recovery of caustic soda in beverage and food industries;
  • Concentration and partial demineralisation of whey in dairy industry;
  • Reuse of water and wastewaters.

Reverse Osmosis (RO)

  • Complementary to MBR and activated sludge process for effluent reuse;
  • Demineralisation of water for boilers and/or other specialised applications;
  • Pre-concentration of juíces in citrus industries;
  • Important phase within ZLD (zero liquid discharge) systems;
  • Others.

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